The quality of the biggest, the friendliness of the smallest
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Excom is a neighbourly operator which was founded in 2001. For more than 20 years, we’ve been growing exponentially with the aim of connecting individuals and small enterprises in small and medium towns through Fibre Optics, WiMAX, Mobile and Landline Telephony. And more than a year ago, we added our Excom TV service with a broad range of channels for the whole family to enjoy.
This is how we created the Excom Group, a company made up of local operators that are now an integral part of Excom: Airconect · Bandawifi · Cableoptic · Conred · Dinfotec · Fion · Fone · Guillena wifi · Habland · Inalnet · Intercanarias · Justo comunicacions · Ondawifi · Proxym · Telmi · Telecable · Telewifi · Totcable · Triunfotel.
From the very beginning, our goal was to support rural enterprises transform their technology and communications infrastructure.
We started out as a wireless rural Internet operator in Castilla La Mancha, Andalusia, Levante and the Canary Islands to help with the digital development of towns of less than 25,000 residents.
We began deploying our own fibre optic network and purchasing networks from small operators to eventually become a neighbourly fibre broadband and mobile operator.
We continue growing and can now be found throughout Spain.
What mostly sets us apart from local operators is that we have the infrastructure to offer more services, benefits and quality than these much smaller companies. Our Customer Service is in-house, not outsourced, and they handle all procedures from our main headquarters. In comparison to large operators, the biggest advantage we offer through our network of local offices is the up-close, personal attention all customers need and demand nowadays.